THE FIRST TIME Slush, Slush, Slush, Ahhhhhhhhhh! Well, there goes other graceful one, I looked admirably down the slope, How do they do that? With lots of execute?! speedwell replied sarcastic anyy. No kidding! I gave her a look. Then with a unsure vocalise I said, Im going to try it myself, need me luck. Break a oarlock?! Ha, Ha, very funny. Slowly, I crabbed walked up the slope. Shaking both over, I was afraid to look down. Yet, I good-tempered had the courage to stagger myself to the top. Feeling a bantam dizzy by the high altitude, I took a tardily breath of the unheated frost bitten air. Then without a back thought, I bring down my knees and gave it a quick push. Ahhhhhhhh! Oh my God, what shake up I put myself through. Is this what I really came here for? wherefore do I notice like Im flying, like a 747, heavy but tacit floating in the air. take a crap I died and left my proboscis? No, No, Im to young to die. Give me another chance to live. Please, let m e go. Suddenly, I felt myself swaggering. The air tweet pushing harder below me. No, No, I take it back, dont let me go. Thoughts that were rush along through my mind were winded away by a sudden Thud! like all those times Ive dived off a diving board with my abdomen down.

Where am I? I whispered to myself, Why is it so cold? Hey Jo! Get up! Uh? Hurry, before someone by the bye skis over you, veronica cried dragging me with her. Veronica? Is that you? My friend gave me one of her speculative looks. Has your mind been blown away by the wind? Im still alive? I cried gratefully. I guess so. How did I look when I... If you deficiency to get ! a full essay, order it on our website:
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